women's conference March 2017

women's conference March 2017

Wednesday, October 25, 2017


Lately I've been frustrated with myself. I keep doing the same things over and over and I know I shouldn't. I talk too much, for instance. Talking can be a good thing, but not when I say things I shouldn't or when I interrupt or cut people off. I could list several other bad habits but I think everyone does things that they wish they didn't. We all have undesirable characteristics and actions that have become a part of who we are. 

This brings me to a lesson I've learned from Larry. We have this bird that we've affectionately named, Larry, that comes back every year to our house and runs into the same window repeatedly. Year after year, the same bird on the same window. Of course it could be a different bird, as all Robins pretty much look identical but we figure it must be the same bird because no other bird would be so dumb as to keep running into the same window. Every day. It used to be that Larry would come about the same time every afternoon. It was almost like clockwork. But now, he comes many times during the day and this year, he's started going to another window and doing the same head-bonking routine as he does on his "normal" window.  We have recorded Larry running into the window multiple times because it's such an anomaly and he's even been in a few snap stories. He just keeps coming. We figure this is the 4th year in a row that he's come and smashed himself against our window as part of his daily routine. My family considers Larry "mentally handicapped" because why on earth would you keep doing the same thing over and over again?  It must be painful, or at the very least, frustrating, but he continues down his self-abusive path. Over and over again. 

Then it hit me.  I'm just like Larry! I keep doing the same things over and over again but I'm expecting different results. I know I talk too much. I always feel like I have so much to "tell" everyone. So I just continue to smash against the window, doing the same thing, feeling frustrated and having hurt feelings because I don't feel like I'm communicating as effectively as I want to with my husband, children or anyone really. 

So, I've decided that I don't want to be Larry. I think it's easy to get into the same patterns and repeat behaviors and actions that aren't really helpful or productive. That's my goal. To stop beating myself up and learn from my mistakes. The greatest thing I think I can do is study the life of the Savior and try to be just like Him. He was the master at everything, including communication and every other self mastery skill. Why not learn from the best and try to pattern my habits and life after Him? 

Everyone in our family hopes that Larry will realize that he's not getting anywhere in life by running into the window every day. We all hope he will get over whatever fascination he has with the window and that he'll set himself free from the drudgery of repetitive, abusive habits. I hope I can do that too. No one wants to be a Larry. 
Cathy Bennett

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Saying NO is Okay

"Saying NO is Okay"

There are times that parents say NO!  When I was young my dad wanted us to go up to Phoenix to visit somebody, I don't remember who, I just remember that I did not want to go.  I was plenty old enough to stay home and that is what I wanted.  I kept bugging my dad, pleading with him to "leave me home".  He said NO.  We all piled in our orange pumpkin van and traveled up to Phoenix.  On the way home, I was still pouting and complaining about being there.  We were at a stop light, I remember clear as day. Dad stopped and turned around and began talking with me, probably putting me in my spot.  The light turned green and Dad was still turned around talking with me; cars behind him honked their horns.  He turned around to drive and at that very moment a car ran the red light.  If Dad had not been talking with me, we would have been T-boned.  As we got home that evening, Dad told me, "I don't know why I didn't feel good about you staying home today, but the experience we had on the way home could have been a very serious one if I would have let you stay home."  

This experience has come to my memory recently because I  had to tell one of my children "NO".  I don't know why I feel so strongly about not letting him participate in an activity that seems okay, but after recalling this memory I've decided that I may never know the "why" of saying NO.  If my feeling is NO, I should realize the Spirit is guiding me and stick to my answer of NO.  Saying NO is hard for me.  I hate seeing my child moping around the house, feeling like he's picked on, under appreciated, never getting to do what he wants, etc. I remember being a child and hating the word NO.  

Looking back, I am very grateful for a dad who listened to the spirit and said NO.  My family could have been in a very serious accident, while I stayed home.  I am grateful for the Holy Ghost who guides, warns and protects and sometimes even says NO.
Shannon Morley

Monday, October 2, 2017

May we always pray in faith, nothing wavering

Last year our daughter, Tracy brought her young daughter, Jane for a visit from their home in Washington to Utah. We loved playing with that little one year old and were sad to see them go. Tracy was traveling home alone and felt sick when it was time to leave. She managed all their belongings and baby stuff by herself which was no small feat. She called me on their layover practically in tears saying that Jane had literally screamed for most of the first flight and that she had a long layover and really needed her to somehow go to sleep in that crowded, noisy airport. They still had hours ahead of them before they would arrive home.
I dropped to my knees right there and called down the power of heaven in their behalf. I couldn’t do anything else for them. Less than 10 minutes later I received a text that said that Jane was asleep and to keep praying that she would stay that way because prayers work. That knowledge is a marvelous blessing! Jane slept nearly the entire way home. Her mom was never so happy to have completed her journey. I am so grateful for the intervention of a loving Heavenly Father that hears and answers mothers’ prayers, at any time and in any place.

May we always pray in faith, nothing wavering.

Debbie Morley

Couple Reunion Missouri 2019

Some pictures from the couple retreat Febuary 2019