All I ever wanted to be was a mother surrounded by a lot of children of my own. My Ellie asks me all the time if dreams really come true and I must say, "yes! I am surrounded by my 10 children and wonderful husband daily. A dream come true, so yes, Dreams do come true." Being a mom is the most rewarding job in the world. It's also the hardest and most thankless job.
Everyone goes through periods of time when they wonder if the dishes will wash themselves or if the laundry could sprout legs and walk into the laundry room, jump in the washing machine and wash itself. A mom has to make a healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner that appeals to all the children and the husband and don't forget to account for food allergies. There are times when the children are cranky and rude and argue and fight. What about the times when the school work is not getting done just because they don't see how it will relate to their life.? There are also times when you are up all night with a sick child or with another child because they had a bad dream or with another child who just can't sleep because they are anxious about something. A mom can't forget about developing talents so we take our children to lessons and practices so they can be the star of the show or the all star athletes. Lets not forget to teach them to pray and do personal scripture study and have a testimony of the gospel. A mom is the maid, the chef, the referee, the teacher and tutor, the comforter, the doctor, the psychologist, the taxi driver, the cheerleader, the spiritual coach, the center of the children's life. A mother is the world to her children.
As women we look at other moms with their completely together life and we compare ourselves. We fall into those times when we feel like we need to do more and that everything we do is not enough or not as good as Sally, or Mary, or Martha, or all the other moms. President Uchtdorf said it best when he said, "Stop it!" We can't compare ourselves to someone else. In October 2001, President Hinckley counseled us that "life is to be enjoyed, not just endured". We must enjoy life, we must find joy in the little things.
Recently my eyes were opened to the view of a mother from the child's perspective. This happened over the last few months as our primary children and young women in our ward have been learning a song for Mother's Day. My children practiced the song throughout the week and would sing it as they went about their day. They were practicing so they were prepared to sing it in sacrament meeting. I started singing the song myself and reflecting on what the words were saying as I went through my busy day of caring for my family and home.
"More than Enough" by Shawna Edwards and Rebecca Edwards Woolf. I use the lyrics here with permission from Shawna Edwards.
Maybe I'll never know the love it takes
To make me a happy home that's warm and safe,
And maybe I'll never see how you pray for my every need,
And wonder what more you could do for me.
But when you walk by my side,
Read me stories at night,
And teach me to trust in Gods love.
You give me a hug, maybe two,
And you say "I love you!"
Then I think that you're doing enough.
Maybe you wonder if you're teaching me
Every good thing that I can someday be.
But all that I know of faith, and of kindness and love and strength
I've learned just by watching you everyday.
So when you stay by my side,
Hear my stories at night.
And teach me to trust in Gods love,
You give me a hug, maybe two,
And you say "I love you,"
Then I think that you're doing enough.
Someday I'll have a home, a family
And I'll love them just as much as you love me.
Then maybe you'll finally see,
You have given enough for me,
A gift that will last through eternity.
So when you stay by my side,
Hear my stories at night.
And teach me to trust in Gods love,
You give me a hug, maybe two,
And you say "I love you,"
Then I think that you're MORE than enough.
And I'm blessed every step by your love.
When as a mother your life is crazy busy trying to care for the home and family, and you are sleep deprived and feel you never have enough time to get everything done, think of your little ones and the future mothers and fathers you are raising and just know you are doing More than Enough.
President Hinckley in October 2003 said, "You dear women, I say thanks to you. Thank you for being the kind of people you are and doing the things you do." I echo his words when I say thank you for being amazing women and mothers. In the craziness of raising a family we must keep doing the things we are doing. The little things matter most. As a mother we hold the future in our arms daily as we care for our family. Satan knows this and will do all he can to discourage us and make mothers feel they aren't doing enough. I'm grateful for tender mercies from our Heavenly Father when he gently reminds me through the simple words of a song sung by my children. They reminded me I was doing "More than Enough".
We cook.
We plant.
We eat.
We play. These crazy girls give me a heart attack
We hike and love to be together.
We cook.
We plant.
We eat.
We play. These crazy girls give me a heart attack
We hike and love to be together.
Love, Audra
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